Thursday, September 12, 2013

2 kids and with different lunches !

My girls are about 5 years apart so they always want something different , which I'm sure is always the case with all siblings . So the little one  gets her princess requested lunch and the big one says mom keep it simple ! So here are their 2 different lunches , one is a home made lunchables style lunch and the other is a Snow White  press lunch . It might not always be 100% healthy but sometimes u have to give them what they want . I stopped packing my big one with a lot of veggies sometimes even none because they are all coming home and going in the trash . We compromised and now once a week we go veggie free , trust me I would rather not but if she is gonna keep her promise and eat her veggies every other day then it's a win/win . I started packing bento lunches because my daughter was always eating just a bagel or cereal and was always coming home hungry , also I like that I see what they are actually eating and what they are not . Packing lunch is a great way to feel content knowing you gave them what they needed and what you wanted them to have . At our school they do not eat the lunch they buy and are using extra funds to buy ice cream and cookies , so we had to put a stop to that and make it just a treat now and then for the girls . Happy lunch everyone . 

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